Entropic Crusader

Home of sci-fi and fantasy author, Benjamin Matthews

Are you a fan of fantasy and/or paranormal fiction? If you’re on my site then I certainly hope you are, considering I write fantasy myself. Assuming the answer is ‘yes’, then it’s GOOD NEWS! I’m currently taking part in a group promo via Bookfunnel for fantasy and paranormal books, where a bunch of awesome authors give away books in the associated genres to find new readers and grow their newsletters.

So if you’re looking for new books and authors to check out, take a look at the current giveaway, which ends at the end of August, so don’t delay ☺️ Interested? Click the link below to check out all the participating authors and their books:


Everyone benefits from more people sharing, so please do link this post to anyone you know who might also be interested in fantasy/paranormal fiction, thanks!

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