Bethesda’s idea of being a raider boils down to it being something you do on the weekend, but the rest of the week you’re a goodie-two-shoes. Let’s fix that.

Benjamin Matthews is an author of sci-fi and fantasy fiction. He lives in Airstrip One, formerly known as the UK, and enjoys complaining about video games and the general stupidity of the world when he’s not actively writing fiction.
For more, see the About Page.
Bethesda’s idea of being a raider boils down to it being something you do on the weekend, but the rest of the week you’re a goodie-two-shoes. Let’s fix that.
There’s plenty to complain about with Fallout 3’s companions, but at least Bethesda learned some lessons from Bioware for FO4. Which they then promptly forgot again for Starfield.
In this part of Certified Fallout-Free I talk about the five DLC packs released for Fallout 3. I even praise a few of them!
A shorter post in the Certified Fallout-Free series this week, taking a quick look at the GECK, and how Bethesda even managed to screw that up.
September’s book giveaways are here, this time in fantasy and urban fantasy flavours. Interested? Drop by and check ’em out!
A rather lengthy part of Certified Fallout-Free, talking about the various Vaults of the series, and how Bethesda’s, as usual, make no damn sense.
While there is something to be said for Fallout 3’s map design, I much prefer New Vegas’s. Let’s talk about why it’s great.
The Underworld-resident ghouls are, like most other settlements in Fallout 3, horribly squandered. Let’s fix the ol’ place up a bit.
After talking about the horror that is Little Lamplight, in this part of Certified Fallout-Free, we look at Big Town. It’s better than Little Lamplight, at least.
Do you enjoy fantasy and paranormal fiction? If you do, check out the current giveaway I’m taking part in and grab yourself some awesome books for free.